Canon through PT. Datascrip in Indonesia won Top Brand Award for the fourth time in a row since 2008 and from the Frontier Consulting Group and Marketing magazine in Jakarta (11 / 8).
Present at this event and Yase Defirsa Angelie Ivone as Marketing Executive Canon Image Communication Products Division PT. Datascrip, holding a pose with the award plaque Handi Irawan as Chairman of Frontier Consulting Datascrip accompanied by staff.
Top Brand Award achieved by Canon for 2 categories of products that camcorder and digital camera. This achievement proves that the product Canon camcorders and digital cameras favored by society and consumers in Indonesia.
Research results from Frontier Consulting Group and Marketing magazine using three parameters, namely: Top of Mind Awarness based on the first brand mentioned by respondents when a product category is mentioned, Last Used, based on a brand that was last used by the respondents, and Future intention based on brands that want to use in the future.